

Following on from my Hirst research I started sampling with plastic bags as inspired my the garbage bags tightly concealed into the glass boxes. I tried pulling at a plastic square at first to see how it will resist and tear but found that instead it created this rippling effect in the shape of my thumb which I thought looked intriguing. From there on I just kept experimented pulling, tearing and burning which also had an amusing outcome, bubbling the surface up and burning holes through which gave it an alluring texture which I just loved. Of course finding this perfect bubbly texture did only come after heaps of bad attempts on burning the sample too much which just gave it a simple wrinkled effect, as well as some other messy fiery attempts. But now I've found this bubbly texture I want to experiment with it on different materials and suited in different combinations. 

Own sample photography.

Own sample photography.

Own sample photography.

Own sample photography.

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