
Cash Converted Trash.

These messy samples I created were for the joy of involving some house hold found garbage that I thought would look great as crazy samples mixed with the usual cheap but sparkly gems which I have so many of, so the more samples the better I thought. I used everything from food packaging, fruit peels, cardboard, video-tape tape strips, newspapers, anything I could find really with the helping of dollops of paint and masking tapes at some point to create these large messy samples.

Again these samples look great and interesting but nothing that I feel 100% about yet, but I doubt I'll know till I get to the final hurdle. But looking at these layered samples I know I want to create a double layered skirt since the fabric is light and will need the support but also I like the thought of maybe adding a contrasting 'something' on the bottom layer, but I'm not too sure of what yet.

All own sample photography.

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