
Knitting you away

Along with digital print this was also a week that I much looked forward too, to actually get physically involved with making and creating something with texture and dimension. Knit has always been something that intrigued me and when we got introduced to the machine I couldn't wait to get stuck in.

\We started off with basic row knits which wasnt as easy as it looked as we had to pull out the needles for each row hoping it wont get stuck, but once the clamps were applied everything seemed to go smoothly and soon enough we go the hang of it.

Every hour we learnt a new technique; cable, weave, drop stitch, polka dots ect all as difficult as they look but somehow me and my partner Ronan managed to get the hang of most of the techniques breezing by each time and enjoying it as we went which was super. Finding each of the steps fun instantly led me to believe that I was definitely more into textiles over fashion design which was a perfect eye opener.

For me this was the most rewarding week in that I learnt to use a new piece of equipment and along with it learnt many many different techniques; and even taught myself to fix problems and faults whilst I went along which meant my confidence was at a high during the last day. I felt I didn't struggle at all this week because of how much I enjoyed doing knitwear, it usually meant my positive attitude reflected on the knits I made. But I do have to mention that if there is a difficult part it has to be packing the machine up, it's like a metal jungle.

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