The location of my shoot was always prepared as I knew I wanted to shoot outside St. Thomas' Hospital, opposite the cardiology department on the embankment. This was the perfect location since its where me and my family get our heart scan check ups every year, as well as the genetics department. But despite the personal links, the actual location has some great photographic points such as the gridded exterior and minimalist pillars surrounding the hospital. Around the corner their are also metal stairs on which add character to the large hospital.
The shoot overall was a fun experience as I managed to express the vulnerability and harshness I wanted as a whole with the background, garment and model even if we did get only 15 minutes to shoot as we were told it was against patient confidentiality to photograph on the hospital 'grounds'. Lucky enough I had the photos that I needed and was positive enough to proceed with the little amount of photos I managed to snap.
The two successful photos chosen for my A1 board:
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