
You tell me, who am I?


This isn't the first time I've done identity, but it's the first time I've actually enjoyed the given tasks; mainly because I feel I have gone for a more personal subjects over an obvious theme. The week stormed by like a flash; as it would once you are given tasks which come manageable to you as I had felt with the tasks such as mind-mapping 'Who Am I?' and creating a mood board from photocopied images which were linked to my identity mind map. My main chosen words were Obscure, Restrictive, Intrusive, Genetics; which linked strongly to my family life, culture, and current situations such as visiting cardiologists for genetic testing which lead me to look at barbed wire, heart scans, handcuffs and funky architecture. I feel that through the tasks I have been challenged to not be so straight forward with results such as not picking the first idea written on my mind map and instead look way further out to the more abstract words on the edges of my mind map. I have also had to change my way of completing sketchbook work as I am to be more visual and creatively free as to being overly analytical which will be a refreshing change but maybe slightly hard to let go of. However I am hoping these new challenges and way of presenting my work will help me be more independent with my own choices and not rely completely on the ruler way that I have been taught in the past, which will be another identity challenge in itself 'the new ways of sketchbook and creative independence'.

Already, with my current collection of work, I feel I have matured creatively as I am more open to ideas which are more unconventional and not so fashion based as my mood board is very dark and moody based on my varied images of wire and handcuffs but I also love the simplicity of it as its not too packed with ideas and images; which is also something new I have learnt to adapt to, editing down.  I really enjoyed creating my mood board as I felt it came natural to me, from finding images in the library to placing them into the layout; it was an overall lively task.

I have definitely spent more time doing homework/sketchbook work over watching movies on my laptop which already shows my high dose of motivation at this point which I hope will keep me on a high till the end of the academic year. I feel that because every week we are set to do very different tasks it motivates me to catch up my sketchbook and to not be left behind; therefore I have like usual dedicated my spare time to creativity and feel my planning and time management is at the stage I want it to be at at this current moment of time.

1 comment:

  1. well done Serife, your first blog is interesting, well written and shows a real attachment to your progression. Next week start to consider in more detail the challenges and explore how you have/or might resolve them, be slightly more specific about actual events such as sketchbook talk, layout workshop et and what you gained/didn't gain from them, but overall a very promising start.
